Gambling Monkey

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But can you imagine all the monkey lives they destroyed by creating monkey gambling addicts? Watching Grass Grow ($10,000): The federal government is literally paying people to watch grass grow. While the grass being observed, saltmarsh cordgrass is “a fast-growing plant,”211 it can reach a length of 6 inches to as high as 7 feet tall. Monkey Paw was suitable for hacking mechanical gambling machines. Cheaters inserted a hook inside the slot and searched for a switch focusing on the sound. Pushing it, they made the slot share its chips. Monkey Paw has various types intended for certain models of slots. Monkeys who learned how to gamble have helped researchers pinpoint an area of the brain key to one's willingness to make risky decisions. Buy Casino Crazy Monkey HTML5 Game by PasGames on CodeCanyon. We can add your game on google play and apple store for low price, contact us. The game was made using the program Co. Monkey has become quite commonplace now in casino gambling. I am giving you a free 30-day subscription to my private members-only website at We have over 5,000 members on this site and I think you will enjoy it.

You may have heard it in a casino at a blackjack table.

Gambling Monkey


Generally it’s a method of calling for a “10” of some kind when someone is doubling down on a hand, or is showing a single ace.

If that’s not the case, the player’s an idiot, in which case, you should walk away from the table before that player messes up the shoe, and takes down the table.

Getting back to the subject at hand, most people really don’t know where the term came from, only that it’s popular, and like all lemmings, one will following the next, while they all jump off a cliff to join the rest.

This term follows along that same path, after which, you may not want to use it again.

The word orang is the Malaysian/Indonesian word for “person”, which is the root for the word orangutan (yes, the primate). Orang, in many Chinese dialects, primarily Mandarin and Taiwanese, is a derogatory word for a black person (you can equate it to the n-word).

Those that frequent casinos will understand when I say this:

Casino Monkey Island

Where there’s a casino, you will find Asians.

Casino Monkey Meme

(If you wonder why that is, let’s just say, it’s part of the religion.)

Gambling Term Monkey

In a translation gone bad, it is perhaps assumed that a Chinese person at a casino at some point called out MONKEY! while playing blackjack, innocently believing they were calling for a “black” jack, or a n***** and, since no one understood the ramifications of what this one person was saying, this person was lucky enough to walk away, unscathed, rather than get jumped, then beaten down for using the racial slur (translated into another language).

Gambling Monkeys

Although not meant to be a derogatory comment in general, most singularly racial societies rarely understand the slang that sometimes may come out of their mouths, which under multi-racial circumstances, would constitute a beat-down of “yo mama” proportions.

You may think you sound “cool”, and in your ignorance, you had no idea, but now that you do, don’t be THAT person, and just take it out of your gambling vocabulary.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

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With the advent of the casino opening in Pittsburgh, the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work is conducting surveys on agency participation in training, screening and treatment for problem gambling. You may recall that your agency participated in a similar survey in 2007, prior to the casino opening.
We are focusing on agencies who serve older adults. The following questions will be used to assess how human service agencies are responding to the opening of a local casino, particularly whether the casino is impacting service delivery.
Please note that your answers will be kept confidential. Any information you provide to us will not be shared or presented in a manner that will be traceable to you or your agency.
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. We very much appreciate your time and consideration.